Early Spring Lawn Maintenance

March is a good time to add the first dose of fertilizer and crabgrass treatment. Remove damaged turf or weeds that have died off due to winter. Work in a ½-inch layer of compost to keep the new seed moist, increasing the germination rate. Begin seeding once forsythia starts blooming in your area.

Clean up around your plants. Rake out fallen leaves and dead foliage (which can smother plants and foster disease), pull up spent annuals, and toss in a wheelbarrow with other organic yard waste. Once the threat of frost has passed, Roger also removes existing mulch to set the stage for a new layer once spring planting is done.

Now is a good time to spread a pelletized fertilizer tailored to existing plantings on the soil's surface so that spring rains can carry it to the roots. Add a fertilizer around bulbs as soon as they flower to maximize bloom time and feed next season's growth.

 Get Your FREE Estimate!
Contact: John Marshall
Email: TNLawnCare@mail.com
Cell: 615-678-9242

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